Thursday 6 February 2014

My work

I believe memory attaches itself to objects and colour.
References to landscape and nature are evident in many of my forms and working processes. The forms are abstract yet resemble the biological features of their source. Earth’s structure, forms and textures inform my work. 
I am drawn to organic formations and extreme landscapes that remind me of my own childhood, living in the countryside. I am interested in exploring these ideas through my work by, abstracted or fragmented forms that are reflective of the land, processes, and materials from which they are derived.
My aim is to create work that emanates a natural true sense of beauty and vitality. The interaction of touch, material and colour in my work helps to evoke memories in the viewer and myself.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Briona,

    I really like how you captured the essence of landscape and nature in your work.
